Pregnancy and Postnatal exercise class Aylesbury

Tuesday 8:00pm-8:30pm.

Thank you for expressing an interest in the Pregnancy & Postnatal exercise class.

I would love you to join me on a Tuesday evening from 8-8.30pm.

During pregnancy, our posture changes and the deep muscles that support our back, hips and pelvis get stretched, disconnected and weak. This can lead to aches, pains and difficulty with everyday activities like walking and turning over in bed. During pregnancy it is important to keep these muscles working together as a team and to keep them strong.

Postnatally these muscles are stretched, weak and disconnected. So it is important to get them working together as a team again, and gradually get them stronger, to recover from the pregnancy.

In this class you will learn how to safely and effectively exercise the correct muscles that support your back, hips and pelvis. By improving the strength and coordination of these key muscles you will feel stronger and more supported, and better able to cope with the demands placed on your beautiful body. It will keep you strong throughout your pregnancy and prepare you for the physical demands of labour and motherhood. It is also the most important part of your postnatal recovery, and a building block for being able to return to more strenuous activity or higher impact exercise.

I am a Specialist Pregnancy, Postnatal and Women’s Health Physiotherapist and have designed these class especially for pregnant and postnatal mums.

What is included?

  • a short warm up
  • safe exercises focusing on your deep core muscles, pelvic floor and you hip and pelvic muscles
  • High intensity, low impact exercise to increase your cardiovascular fitness and strength
  • Exercises can be completed at your own pace, making them as easy or as hard as you want them to be depending on your previous fitness levels
  • Warm down/stretches
  • The chance to meet other lovely, likeminded mums
  • The opportunity to exercise safely with a physiotherapist that specialises in working with pregnant and postnatal ladies
  • access to a private WhatsApp group.

Further class info.

The venue

The class is on Zoom. This means no travel time, no child care needed and you can exercise in your pyjamas from the comfort of your front room! It also means the class can be recorded, so if you are running late, away or unwell, you have a week to catch up on the class in your own time.

What is Zoom?

It still surprises me that some people haven’t used Zoom yet! Zoom is a bit like a conference call, we will all log in and be able to see and communicate with each other. All you need is a phone, iPad or laptop with a camera. In my classes I put a huge emphasis on meeting others. I encourage you to log on a few minutes early for a chat and keep your cameras and mics on :)

What do I need to bring?

A resistance exercise loop band- if you haven’t got one they are a great investment- I use them a lot!

These are the loop bands I use:

An exercise band if you have one. The resistance needs to be medium to strong.

A light weight. If you haven’t got one 2L bottle of water/coke or 4pints of milk/juice bottle works well- you just need something with a little bit of weight to it!

Please wear tight fitting leggings and a vest top (or similar) as I like to ensure I can see your tummy muscles working correctly.

Health screening:

I will need to ask a few questions about your past medical history, your obstetric history, and a pelvic floor screening questionnaire before you start the class. This will also give you the opportunity to flag up any concerns you may have. I will send you a form to complete and return to me. This will not be needed if you have seen me for a 1:1 prior to starting the class.

Once you have signed up to the class, but prior to you starting the class we will do a 1:1 zoom call at a mutually convenient time (approximately 15minutes). This is to teach you the exercise technique we use in the class, and enable me to check you are doing the exercises correctly. This will not be needed if you have already seen me 1:1.

Booking your space:

The classes cost £75 for a block of 6 consecutive classes. You also have the option to book more classes and benefit from a discount on your booking. A block of 9 classes is £100 (10% off) and a block of 12 classes is £120 (20% off). PAYG (from 35/40) £15 a class.

In order to book your space on the class please transfer online using the following details:

Gemma West (Lloyds bank)
Sort Code 30-87-84
Account no. 67307460

Please use your name as payment reference and confirmation of payment to

Once payment has been received, I will send you a zoom invitation for the class.

Please note refunds can not be given. I record the class and send you a link to the recording. You will have one week to compete the class in your own time, so please do not worry if you have other plans one week, are running late, or are unwell, hopefully you can catch up in the recording!

Most people continue the class throughout their pregnancy until their due date. You can switch to Pay as you go after 35 weeks, providing there is space in the class. Sessions will still need to be booked onto in advance and paid for upfront in the same way as outlined above. If baby comes early and you have any outstanding classes these can be placed on-hold until you are ready to resume the class postnatally (from six weeks post delivery). There is no upper limit for attending the class! Once postnatal always postnatal. I have had ladies attend with school aged children and above!

If you have any queries, however small, feel free to ask.

I very much look forward to welcoming you to the class.

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